ssSasha was just a normal orphan on the streets of Xantath. Like many children after the Great Wizarding War, she found herself alone, save her single living relative: her brother Bakko. She had lived her life as a thief, foraging for what little money could be found while her brother traveled the Realms trading in illicit goods. Finally, she and her brother gathered enough money to buy a club and start a new life, free from the daily struggle for survival; it appeared that their luck had finally turned around. Then the dreams began: Sasha awoke one morning from a strange dream of a cold and desolate world, with a single voice crying for help. Hoping to draw his sister away her past life of thieving, Bakko procured a job for Sasha, sending her to Enliva, Realm of Wood. Little did either of them know that everything was about to change, and a war which will encompass the all of the nine Realms may loom on the horizon.
ssThe Universe of Demon Gate entails nine separate elemental based worlds: Piros, Realm of Fire; Evanesce, Realm of Air; Ferrica, Realm of Metal; Enliva, Realm of Wood; Gianos, Realm of Earth; Raijo, Realm of Thunder; Oshia, Realm of Water; Veilako, Realm of Shadow; and Illumesia, Realm of Light. Each world has its own cultures, religions, problems, and secrets. Nothing is what it seems, and even the most distant of events may be connected in the plans unfolding within the worlds... |